Monday, September 20, 2010

because the melon is cold food

because the melon is cold food, there is the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. olive with detoxification, fluid, stomach, sore throat, etc. to improve the effectiveness. black skinny hot body people, symptoms can be severe when the gas along a continuous fever eat meals a week can help adjust the body good condition. face yellow phlegm: herve leger Try white radish to fat meals Body Type: phlegm type body symptomatic Admission: children and buddies with meat, drink, music is the most common thing Wang. Although aware of their body fat and plump belly the more general increasingly unable to control, but still want to lose control of the tongue. especially the soft belly, it soon developed into a . Food focus: long-term poor diet, resulting in the spleen and stomach disorders, phlegm and spleen, from the appearance on herve leger dress the show is likely to be obese. Therefore, this population diet focuses Jianpihuashitang.
winter can eat some Spleen Stomach of foods such as yam, Coix seed, white radish, jujube and other food. diet trick: white radish to fat meals specific methods are: the grams of white herve leger bandage dress radish ground into mud, adding an appropriate amount of soy sauce and mix well will be grams of cooked kale Desmond, then grams and grams of brown rice mixed steamed, eaten when matched with a jujube usually fruit available in the market can eat. white radish rice is a typical green jujube of heat to the fat meal, it can help clear blood heat, reduced fat and swelling, but also expectorant, reduces blood pressure.

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