Monday, January 17, 2011

The penal code enlargement takes charge of strength for stroke for crime for profane job to the food safety and is advantageous to formation is taking charge of section and the officials

The Standing Committee of the National People is Congress legal system work committee penal code room relevant representative director said, the food safety took charge of the profane job behavior of section originally and canned also be applicable to the misuse authority in the penal code and play suddenly the job guard offense, this time will it list the row is a pertaining to crime responsibility that enhanced a food safety to take charge of to blaspheme job behavior further, also embodied to strengthen main line and intention that protects to the people is livelihood in the penal code modification at the same time.
Obviously, the penal code enlargement takes charge of strength for stroke for crime for profane job to the food safety and is advantageous to formation is taking charge of section and the officials, strong awe to the food safety.The department concerned officials said that"the food safety takes charge of to blaspheme job offense" from blaspheme the job committed crime the medium list is listed, can pass severely punishing of law, let those working talent sections and officials practical to start to undertake a responsibility, establishment rise an effective of the food safety take charge of a mechanism, at poisonous, harmful food inflow the market before discover a problem and solve a problem, thus ascended for the common people is dining table a safety of insurance.

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